Society is immersed in a global process of digitalization that affects all areas of the lives of people, institutions and companies. The prosperity of the country depends to a large extent on the correct digital transformation of society, as well as its productive sectors and public administrations.
Taking all these factors into account, the University of Alicante and the Provincial Council of Alicante collaborate to create a Digital Intelligence Center supported by the experience and knowledge of the research and scientific staff of the UA. A Think Tank that will provide opinion, lines of action, consultancy and digital advice to institutions, administration, organizations and companies.
In this context, there is a need to strategically position the project, giving it a personality and a voice that is evident at all points of contact in its communication and positioning the centre as a benchmark in its area.
Develop a philosophy and a conceptual axis (“Digital drives us. Let’s drive digital”) around which to structure each of the communication actions proposed (website, events, public relations actions, etc.). The project’s graphic identity is based on terms such as connectivity, artificial intelligence and efficiency: three of the main fields in which the new centre is working.