

To create a flexible, sophisticated and elegant corporate identity, according to Vitropixel’s premium business model, that would embrace and enhance the beauty and differentiation of its product: handmade mosaic pictures, made up of small bohemian glass pixels.


We started from the main differentiating element of the product – the bohemian crystal pixel – to create a corporate identity that would enhance its value. We made the pixel become part of the brand identity itself and we took the branding exercise one step further. Developing, in the different supports, the multiple artistic possibilities offered by its mosaic-pictures inside the pixel and with the combination of its colours.

Para la marca, utilizamos Bodoni Std. Una tipografía elegante y con serifas para transmitir esa sensación de elegancia y lujo que queremos proyectar sobre la misma.

Aplicamos un interletrado y las ajustamos para dejar respirar el espacio visual y conseguir transmitir la sensación de sobriedad y elegancia.

Cortamos las serifas de ambos lado de la “íes” y conseguimos dos formas
simétricamente opuestas que nos servirán como marco para todo el universo de marca.

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